
One of the assets of the college is the library. The institute has well equipped library with varied facilities and resources. The library is enriched with numerous research papers, journals (online/printed), periodicals etc. The library resources are easily accessible to students as well as teachers of the institute. The library contains collection of varied international papers, magzines, thesis which help students in their assignment, research or project tasks.

Quality of learning resources (hard/soft)

The Library is enriched with numerous research papers, journals (online/printed), periodicals etc. The library resources are easily accessible to student as well as faculty. The library contains collection of varied international journals, magazines, thesis which help students in their assignment, research or project tasks. Students have facilities like Book Bank, Book Issue, Digital Library, e-resources. Few Computers are available for accessing the e-resources. Daily news-papers are available. For self-learning of the students reading rooms are available, latest technical magazines, e-resources are available. The National Digital Library comprises of e-recourses, open access journals, Handbooks, Reference books, and Indian and International standards. The course work in the form of video lectures for various courses is available through NPTEL. The library has high speed internet facility with around 07 dedicated computers connected through server for access of digital library. Online journals & video lectures from NPTEL are available throughout the campus LAN network.


The college is provided various e-Resources through INDEST-AICTE Consortium as well as through institute’s own funds. Just name few:

1. IEEE ASPP + POP includes 135 prominent research journals along with proceddings.
2. ASME Journals: 26
3. ASCE Journals: 38
4. Springer Journals: 586
5. IE (India) 21 Journals in print form as well as through Springer access
6. KNIMBUS a research search engine provided access to one point search for paid as well as thousands of free e-books, millions of research papers, articles, multimedia resources available through open access journals and research institutions and universities the world over.
7. NPTEL Video Lectures and Courses about 800 + through content management system LocalG installed on institute’s internal LAN accessible to students throughout the campus
8. NATIONAL DIGITAL LIBRARY(NDL) The institute is member of NDL and have access to almost 1,26,85,548 items hosted in NDL.

Library working Hours :- 8.00 AM to 8.00 PM
Library Facilities:- The Library provided facility of Bookbank, Book loans, access to journals and e-resources throughout the campus LAN, reprographic facility and plans to target issuing a set of text books to each and every student during coming 3 years.

Library Details
• Library Services : Yes
• Carpet area of library (in m2): 749.10 Sq. m.
• Reading space (in m2): 56.059 sq. m.
• Book Bank: 112.0 Sq.m.
• ReadingRoom: 56.0 Sq.m.
• Issues Counter: 28.0 Sq. m.
• Administrative Work Area: 105.5 Sq.m.
• Number of seats in reading space: 175
• Number of users (issue book) per day: 250
• Number of users (reading space) per day: 400
• Timings: During working day, weekend, and vacation: 8.00 am to 08.00 pm.
• Number of library staff : 05
• Number of library staff with degree in Library : 01
• Management Computerization for search, indexing, issue/return records
• Bar-coding: 07
• OPAC Portal is available and used.
• Library services on Internet/Intranet INDEST or other similar membership Archives DELNET,INDEST consortium is available.

Sr. No.


Total No. of


Total No.of E- Journals






For All Branches of UG/PG & Ph.D. Research Students.































54237 Library General

30705 Book Banks

104461 Total Number of Books

35777 Total number of Titles

2,44,67,846/- Total Cost of Books

4614 Total Number of Indian Engineering Journals

25 Total Number of Indian Engineering Magazines

32814 Total No of International Engineering Journals

Library Committee
1. Prof. R. P. Chaudhari, Chairman & Officer In charge Library
2. Dr. S. B. Chikalthankar, HOD, Mechanical Dept. Member
3. Dr. V. R. Ratnaparkhe, Associate Prof. E & TC Dept. Member
4. Dr. V. A. Kulkarni, Associate Prof. & HOD, Electrical Dept. Member
5. Dr. S. M. Desai, Associate Prof.& HOD Physic, Member
6. Prof. S.P. Attipamula, Associate Prof. Mathematics. Member
7. Prof. S.D.Sapkal, Assistant Prof. Computer, Member
8. Prof. Shilpa Kabra, Assistant Prof. Information Dept. Member
9. Shri. S. C. Yerwal, Librarian, Member

Students need to refer learning material along with text books for performing assignments, mini projects, seminars, dissertations. Many reference books are available, journals, are available for students to learn on their own for such tasks

Library Working Hours: 10 AM to 6 PM