By Train
There are 4 direct trains daily to/from Mumbai. The Tapovan Express departs at 2.55 PM gets you into Mumbai at 11.20pm. The Overnight Deogiri Express departs from Aurangabad at 11.00 pm and arrives at Mumbai at 7.00 am. The Nadigram Express departs at 10.00 pm and arrives at Mumbai at 5.00 am. Alternatively you can get a bus or a local train to the nearest mainline station, Manmad, 113 km north-west of Aurangabad, from where there are more frequent express trains to Mumbai. If you are heading directly to the Ajanta Caves from Mumbai, it is best to get an express to Jalgaon and then a local bus to the caves.To Hyderabad (Secunderabad), the daily Deogiri Express departs from Aurangabad at 4.45 am and the journey takes 14 hours. Alternatively the Aurangabad - Kacheguda Express departs at 7.30 PM and arrives at Secunderabad at 9am.